
about Lang-8

I told you about Lang-8.

I found an additional imformation about it.

On Youtube, you refer to "Lang-8".

So, firstable you can find
Lang-8: Possibly the Best way to Practice Japanese Writing

This picture shows using Lang-8 is useful to improve writing skill.

merry christmas!

Day after tomoorow is Christmas eve.

Do you have any plans?

This photo is the night view of midtown in Ropponngi last year.

sooooo beautiful view!

This year, you can it there.
I recommend to go to midtown in Ropponngi.

But.... there are many many many people.

Most of Japanese are not christian, but why christmas is a big event.
I want to know a reason.

Anyway, having a happy christmas!!!!!!

found the intersting site!

the interesting site is Lang-8

we can international communicate on this site.
this is like mixi.
so, everyone can use easily.

your writing skill will be improve!!
